Your Day 1 Reason

It’s been what seems like eons since I’ve had the chance to put pen to paper with some regularity. Years ago I used to contribute columns to the Grosse Pointe News on health and wellness. And, in our earliest version of our website, I would post weekly motivational nuggets to help the Junkies of Syphus remain diligent in their fitness quest – it is now time to get back to contributing again with some consistency.  I hope you find the content valuable and insightful; for me it’s therapeutic.

One thought that has always helped me mid-Syphus (and often in business) is to recall why I started. Each of us have our own reasons for first stepping foot on the turf. For some, it was to get healthier. Others, it was to improve athletic performance. And many were simply eager to try something new. But at the core of all of these reasons is often something much more personal. What is that core value that you hold onto that keeps you continuing to Syphus? Think about it.

Why do you push yourself to such limits? Why do you get up at 4:45am to make it to your workout before a day’s worth of work? Your answer should be simple and concise. Find a word, a phrase, or a motto that encapsulates why it is you started this endeavor.

And then, once you discover it, recite it to yourself constantly throughout your hour on the turf. Keep that “Day 1 – Initiation” reason close at heart; it will keep you surpassing hurdles you never thought possible. And soon, you will find that this mental fortitude permeates many aspects of your life.

For me, having designed the concept, I never had that traditional “Day 1 – Initiation” experience, instead I’ve had the privilege to witness hundreds, if not thousands, of Initiations to Syphus and each one is uniquely special.

To see the expression on a Newbie’s face when they attempt their first Inch Worm, that, “Wow, this is a completely different ball game” look is EXACTLY why I started this. My Day 1 reason was, and forever will be, to provide an experience – not just a workout.

Concisely: Break the Mold.





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