Bill Simonson’s – Syphus Story

I started my Syphus Career in November of 2012. My wife and I met a Syphus trainer at a 5k and my wife decided to go. After her class she called me and told me that she thought I would really like the workout. I went that afternoon and Mike was teaching the class. I talked to Mike and told him that I wanted to get in shape and my current training for triathlons was not helping me keep weight off or cut inches from my waist. Mike said that he thought if I came 4 times per week I would be able to accomplish my goals. I took Mike’s advice, signed up for a yearly membership that day and to date I have done over 780 Syphus classes. I started at the bottom and worked my way up. The results from Syphus have been great for my health and attitude towards working out. I can’t even look at a treadmill anymore.

Syphus has become my sport. Although Syphus has helped my conditioning for soccer and skiing I consider myself a Syphus-er. The 6 hours per week I spend on the turf are my time to compete. Mike has created a sport and I am thankful that my wife told me to try 3 ½ years ago.

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