Task Ranking – Survey 1 Results

We’re circulating surveys to the Syphus community to get feedback into how you perceive certain tasks. We use this information to help fine tune our scoring system. Once the March Mayhem tournament is over, we will make small tweaks to the task values to represent what our data finds.

The results from our first survey can be found below; our next one will be out sometime mid-March. Thank you all!

Surveys Submitted: 97

Surveys by Turf: Brownstown 57, SCS 18, Harrison 14, Shelby 8

The chart below shows how each turf ranked each task, if represented as percentage. That is, each data point is plotted as if 10% would be the easiest task like an En Garde and 100% would be the most difficult, like an SL Inch. Task by Turf

Points of Interest: Perception of Miel’s Wheels by SCS particularly compared to Shelby. Bully at Shelby vs all. Bucks and Thrasher as SCS vs all.


The chart below takes the overall perception of each task from all 97 surveys, across all locations and compares it to the current value of each task. From this chart, we’re able to determine which tasks may need to be weighted more or less so scoring purposes.

Current Value vs Suggested

Areas of Interest: Overall Ease/Current Undervalue of Miel’s Wheels, Overall Ease of Ogre, Difficulty/Current Undervalue of Potty Shots.