Keith Millard’s – Syphus Story

Surfer dude: It will “transform your body,” he said.. “anyone can do it,” he said..” it’s hard for sure but you’ll be in the best shape of your life” he said…

Trainer Lady: If you stick with it, you’ll never get this tired again…and by the way, tuck your shirt in…just telling you ahead of time…

Guy working out next to me was looking at me with a fear or sadness…maybe wonderment? I don’t know…maybe he was thinking 911 should be on the ready? Who knows…

That’s pretty much how my Syphus story starts…a little fear, a lot of embarrassment because of the shape I let myself get into, and a lot of hangovers. Most have a hangover for a day or 2, mine lasted about 4 months.

In March of 2014 I was just about 310 pounds, I was going to the gym once in a while, really having no idea what a workout meant, or if I was doing anything positive for my health. Treadmill for a bit, elliptical for a bit, some circuit weights and on with my day. I would spend 30-40 minutes there, do a little bike riding, not much, and that was it.

Syphus Training changed everything, for that 1 hour a day I convinced my mind that kicking the hell out of myself was a good thing. I could do it…I could compete again, not with others really, but that 310-pound mindset that rears its ugly head every so often and puts up a great fight. It was a stress relief, a phenomenal feeling when that clock hits 0:00, and a great community of people that are encouraging and a lot of fun to be around.

In October of 2015 I was down to 252 that was the lowest I hit, and the discipline and lack of discipline are my biggest foes now…sure after 20 years of weight gain/loss/gain/loss/gain…and more gain things hurt, joints get sore, but it’s all part of the challenge, you can put weight on in 2-3 days, but it takes 2-3 times longer than that to take it off. I may not take a score every time in, I may not finish the hour all the time, but I’m close to that 30/30 that’s my main Syphus goal…30/30 on the form, maintain that and everything else will get faster.

Overall Brian, it has changed my life, I’ve never been stronger, and Suzanne, I’ve never been that beat up again, and I still wear long shirts, and Hackett so far no 911 was needed, and I’m glad I came back.

It never gets easier; you just get better at it.

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