Susie Rahaim – Syphus Story

I am a holistic health coach, mom of 4, blogger, Syphus junkie,wellness junkie, and REAL food activist. Primal health is my passionand when I started Syphus Training it was the missing piece of the’fitness’ puzzle I had been yearning to give my body and looking for. Through the years lets just say I had been up and down and all arounddifferent gyms and exercise studio’s piecing together week by weekwhat I thought were good workouts. Then I stepped onto the turf andthe rest is history! What I love about Syphus are the REAL organicprimal movements that are natural and just how the body was designedto move. Running, sprinting, skipping, hopping, crawling, bending,lifting, pushing, pulling is what Syphus is all about rolled up intosome amazing FUN crazy challenging tasks and circuits. Anthropologicalevidence has even proven that these efficient movements are healthyand a better way to achieve an athletic physique by tuning in to howour bodies evolved! Yes!

Syphus brings a unique element of HIIT (high-intensity intervaltraining), friendly competition and a workout scoring system that youcan’t get anywhere else. Honestly there is so much more than a workouthere its hard to describe in words. Its when I am on the brink ofexhaustion at the end of a workout its there I find my Zen. There issomething deep, powerful and truly unique about Syphus that keeps mecoming back week after week. My body and mind LOVE and THRIVE on thecompetition and each new challenging task and circuit. Syphus isseriously a powerhouse for the body and a challenge for the mind. Syphus has made me the athlete I am today strong, confident, andempowered! I continue to pursue each new circuit and task withcuriosity , determination, perseverance, and gratitude! There isNOTHING like the feeling of adrenaline pumping the second that clockcounts down from ten! Every time I do Syphus I come ALIVE in manyways. I know I have accomplished something GREAT each and everyworkout. I encourage you to let go, tap in, and let Syphus Trainingtransform you!

Visit Susie’s blog here:

Check out a blog post Susie wrote about Syphus here:

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