Click below to find your updated average team boulder heading into Round 1. Now’s the time to check out your competition and strategize with your partner. Get it!
Food as Fuel
“Exercise is your king, and nutrition is your queen. Together they create your fitness kingdom.” –Jack LaLanne
We are all different people with different bodies and different individual nutrient needs. Therefore a one size fits all diet is NOT what we are looking for. We are Syphus athletes and what we need are foods that FUEL us to go the long haul and barrel through our Syphus circuits STRONG and FIERCE.
A common connection amongst us all is that we want that endurance and stamina to last from the time that clock starts to the finish. A mid workout energy crash is the worst and can be avoided easily with the right nutrition!
I will highly emphasize from my experience on the turf that a clean diet full of nutrient dense foods WILL and DOES make a difference in your Syphus game!
Athlete or not you need to fuel your body right for Syphus and eat the right foods for recovery. Grueling Syphus workouts and training day in and day out can lead to some depleted nutrients in the body and hinder future workouts and performance. Don’t get caught up in all the protein drinks, bars, and supplements on the market. As an athlete myself I have found the best things for fuel and recovery are REAL food! Look at supplements as a kind of support to an already sound diet.They are not required!
Its time to start viewing your pre Syphus meal as fuel! It should be timed right to keep you functioning at optimal level. Try 30 -60 min pre workout. Your post meal is crucial to start repair and regrowth of muscle.
All to often forgotten is that post workout nutrition is not just what you eat right after your workout. It’s eating clean throughout the day to set up a powerhouse in your body for the next day’s workout!
Its important to recognize that EXERCISE and DIET go hand in hand. Neglecting your diet and expecting exercise to make up for it is a dangerous cycle that you will never get ahead of. Weight loss efforts will plateau as will EXERCISE PERFORMANCE. Paying attention to pre and post workout meals as well as cleaning up your entire diet will pay off in the weight loss department, lean muscle definition, and improved endurance/athletic performance!
Look out for my my next post… I am going to focus in on the 5 foods I eat every week specifically for lasting endurance and energy during my Syphus workouts. These foods are key to unlocking energy stores and improving muscle endurance, workout performance and recovery!
Susie R. is not a doctor or registered dietitian. Any advice provided should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem – nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health.
8th Annual Frozen Fish Fiasco
Come out and support Team Syphus and many of our members participating in this great outdoor event benefitting the Clark Park Coalition. Learn more by visiting their website.
Meet Karleah
Coming at you from Turf Brownstown! Karlene and I wanted to give a little introduction of ourselves as you will be hearing from us often through Syphus blog posts. We have been blessed to be running Turf Brownstown for almost TWO years now! Amazing! Both of us hold a Bachelor’s degree; Karlene in Marketing and myself in Business Administration. Along with that we both are ISSA Certified Personal Trainers. We met during a six-week fitness challenge and have been a team duo in our fitness and business careers since then.
Karlene and I first tried Syphus in 2014 at the Mothership in St. Clair Shores. That first workout is where our passion and belief in the sport began and continues to grow even today! To date we firmly believe Syphus is the BEST total Mind/Body workout.
Part of our fitness career has included fitness/bodybuilding competitions which has required us to have strict nutritional intake along with a demanding training regimen. Through this experience we have learned so much about our individual body’s, but also have gained first hand insight on how nutrition, weight training, cardio, proper recovery etc. have affected our Syphus workouts and the data (scores) to go along with it.
You will be hearing from each of us monthly, where we will be sharing this insight along with recipes, tips, and responses to any questions or comments our Syphus Family has. Stay Tuned!
Leah Larson
Chief Learning Officer, Syphus Training Franchises, LLC.
PRO, Turf Brownstown
Disclaimer: Leah Larson and Karlene Malcolm are not a doctor or registered dietitian. Any advice provided should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem – nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health.
Top 5 Tips and Tricks for Newbies
Everyone likes to have a plan when entering into a situation that’s foreign to them; whether it’s meeting your significant other’s parents for the first time or something a little less intimidating, like starting a new workout. Today I will be presenting you with the best advice I’ve been given or learned myself over my three years at Syphus Training.
Be Prepared
You are reading this, thats a good start. But it is essential to be ready physically and mentally. Syphus isn’t your average workout, so it’s best you would prepare for it a little differently than your normal routine. Make sure you get adequate rest and hydration before your first class. This doesn’t mean slamming a gallon of water during the day of your class. It’s important you hydrate the days prior as well. Also, if you plan on eating beforehand, eat something light and give your body plenty of time to digest. I know it may be Taco Tuesday but it would be best to wait until your workout is finished to indulge in its goodness. Wear strong running shoes and workout gloves if you think the turf will hurt them. Remember, classes run for an hour. Many people underestimate this since it doesn’t seem long compared to a “normal” lifting session. Syphus is a high intensity workout with little to no rest if you are efficient enough.
Be Patient
Patience is a virtue. There are a lot of new techniques and slang you are going to be introduced to very quickly. Don’t be intimidated. Take a deep breath and realize it takes time and patience, like with anything new, to get a hold on things. We have hundreds of exercises and dozens of circuits. You are not alone. We all were newbies once and there is help not far away. This leads me to my next point.
The Pro is Your Friend
As a Syphus Pro we want to help you! We have done Syphus for extended periods of time and know the circuits and tasks very well. Many of us also have extensive backgrounds in training and anatomical knowledge. If you are unsure how to perform something, ask. If something makes you nervous, ask. If you have a pre-existing condition, ASK! We are here to help and to make your Syphus experience pleasurable, safe and as satisfying as possible.
Form over Speed
You are not the weight you use. You are not how many workouts you have completed. You are not your Score. If there is something I would emphasize most it would be this. Your score does NOT determine how hard you worked. It’s supposed to be used as a way to track progress and foster competition; between others and within yourself. Many people lose sight of this and use it as a determinant of their “worth” or how the workout was for that day. The workout is what you make it. You can perform tasks quickly and sloppily and score an 800 or you could take your time and perform tasks correctly and to the best of your ability and score a 600. The latter is always preferred. It allows you to GROW. Doing things with half effort or incorrectly, hinders your development and slows your results and sets you up for injury. Form is always priority number one.
You are gonna be using muscles you didn’t know you had. You will be sore, if not right away, in the days that follow. Embrace it! For many, the days after are a roller coaster of emotions. You hate your trainer for making you do that dreadful inchworm. You curse your friend for making you try out this “crazy” new workout with them. But most of all you’re upset with yourself for thinking you were training to your full potential. Embrace it. Grab it by the horns and take it for everything its worth. Come back and tackle the next workout. Too sore and not ready to come back? Do it anyway. Take a couple days off and get back to the grind. Your body and mind need the challenge. You need to stimulate your senses and push yourself to the next level. Embrace the pain. Embrace the challenge. Embrace the hangover!
Chuck Koch
Manager, Turf Royal Oak
Syphus Training PRO