Tap In – Tame It – Let It Out

(Audio version of this Blog post)

Ever notice the Sypher at your Turf? It may be tucked away on a side-board or located above the day’s workout. Sometimes the Sypher will be written in long-form, explaining our “code of conduct” in detail, in some Turfs the Sypher is boiled down to one phrase: Tap In – Tame It – Let It Out.

Remember these three principles and the heart of the Sypher remains intact. Let us dissect:

Tap In – Competition is in your DNA. It is what allowed our ancestors to rise to the top of the evolutionary food chain. Do or die. Fight-or-flight. Call it what you will, but I believe that you have the ability to Tap In to these primal instincts at will – through intense exercise.

Science says that your sympathetic nervous system triggers because of an external source of stress. You’ve felt this before. A near car accident. A roller coaster free-fall.  Possibly a traumatic injury. Any such instances kicked your system into hyper-drive survival mode. Syphus is no different, it creates the same effect, albeit in a controlled and safe environment. Elevated heart rates, peer competition, strenuous (self-inflicted) situations all contribute to the ability for you to unleash this animalistic reaction to such stimuli.

When you feel it creep up; notice it and Tap In.

Tame It – Tapping into your primal self is great, but you’ve evolved into a sentient being. You’re aware that while you’re on the Turf that you’re not in any actual danger. And this is precisely when you need to use your higher self to harness your fight-orflight response and Tame It.

This is in fact Form First. It means not allowing your emotions hijack your natural response to cut corners in attempts to get ahead of your turf-mates. This takes a great deal of practice. In your peripheral, you may notice someone shaving reps on a grueling task, or rushing a movement for the sake of a higher score rather than the benefit of the exercise. Now, that’s okay. Pause for a moment to think: Maybe this person has yet to reach the ability to grasp how to “Tame It”. From this perspective, you’re a more evolved Syphus-er and as you carry on your way, continuing to Tame It, your turf-mates will eventually follow suit. And through your example, you’re leading the pack to help them actualize their higher selves.

 Let It Out – Once your inner animal has met your emotional leash, you are now able to Let It Out. You’ve harnessed the power of your primal self and you’ve mastered the ability to control this beast. Now it’s game time. Let it run free – for an hour. Allow the entire experience of the moment envelope you. This is Syphus. Use the music.  Notice each bead of sweat. Be aware of your breath. Cry, scream, curse. This moment is real; and you have this opportunity to Let It Out, use it and be thankful for it.

– Hackett

5 Tips to a Better Pace and Keep Climbing


If you are determined to get a better score but feel stuck these little tips may be just what you need to break through a plateau!

1. BREATHE! Breathing properly is something many of us forget to do every time we hit the turf. This is so important that it can literally break you down slowly throughout the circuits if you don’t pay attention to it.  Proper breathing will actually help you recover faster, hence quicker turn-around between tasks.  It’s easy- just be sure on slower tasks such as a “swaggin” you take in 2-4 deep breaths in through the nose and out through the mouth (you should feel it deep in your abdominal muscles).  Believe it or not proper breathing will help you optimize performance, endurance, and get rid of that dreaded post-Syphus hangover!

2. HYDRATION! By this I don’t mean stopping and guzzling water throughout the workout. Instead  be sure the day BEFORE you head to the turf you are drinking plenty of WATER. So many of us are actually dehydrated and don’t even realize it.  Coming into a workout already fully hydrated will give you a step up with endurance.  During the workout stop when you need to for water QUICKLY and get back at it.

3. MIND SET! Syphus is a sport. The night before a big game you would definitely prepare, right? So you must do the same when you head to the turf if you want to improve your FORM and SCORE. Be sure you are well-rested, plan, visualize, and get clarity on tasks before you start.

4. FLOW! Try to let some tasks flow right into the other to save time. This was a huge game changer for me.  Start off with something “simple” like lunges and see if you can make it there and back without stopping.  Try it out next with things like tarasq or plate pushes.  Slowly you will build up cardio endurance and get the hang of going from end zone to end zone without stopping on certain tasks. This will save you time and energy!

5. DON’T COMPLAIN! (I’m guilty!) I get it and know that serious frustration can set in at anytime during your workout but you need to train your mind to push through. You’ll see it happen often; people stop mid-workout to complain about how hard a certain task is. This may be true, but it is also a waste of valuable time and gets you no-where except further away from your goals. It’s also a huge blow to the whole energy of the group. Save the chatting and/or complaining for before or after your workout. Part of the fun is the post-workout recap the camaraderie built after you survived the hour!

That’s all for now junkies. See you on the turf!

Susie R.

The Conception and Evolution of Syphus

It’s the question I get most often, “How did you come up with Syphus?”

Truth is, I have a tough time giving a simple answer for something so complex. Syphus evolved over a number of years before it even resembled what it is today. Yes, the broad idea of Syphus, packaged the way it is now, came to me as a flash of inspiration one night in 2010 – however it was a multitude of factors that helped that inspiration take root.

It wasn’t until recently that it occurred to me that the initial imprint of Syphus may have come subconsciously from my college baseball days. Every morning we would have 6:30am workouts prior to heading to class. Some days were strictly weight lifting, others were more focused on agility…but the days I dreaded most were the seemingly simple calisthenic line drills. Five single file lines and 20 minutes of non-stop shuffles, lunges, frog hops, push ups and other like exercises. Upon completion I would be utterly wiped and sore for days to come. For someone like myself who spent hours a day in the weight room, I never quite understood why these simple tasks were so difficult for me.

I now know why. And it’s quite possible I blocked these workouts from my memory simply because of my disdain. Had I enjoyed them I likely would have sooner made the connection between those workouts and the conception of Syphus.

Fast-forward a few years and I am now in a traditional gym setting personal training. Talk about being in the right place at the right time. The gym in which I worked had a patch of turf (roughly the size of your Syphus field) and all Ivanko plates at my disposal. It may sound simplistic, but I am convinced that had I not had the right turf or the right plate, Syphus would not exist today. Dumb luck.

I had a large clientele with a broad range of goals needing to be met but my bread-and-butter was young athletes – specifically hockey players in the collegiate and professional ranks. On our agility days I began integrating light body weight strength exercises like plate pushes or bear crawls for conditioning purposes; soon this became the favorite workout of the week. As traction gained with this group of athletes, other “regular” members in the gym started to take notice.

Usher in the Godfathers.

I was approached by three guys in Bart, Tim and Andy who wanted to do a similar workout that I had been doing with my athletes. They wanted the challenge and I gladly participated with them. Back then, the workout was more like traditional circuit training with stations and structured break periods, until one day I came up with an idea where we would do a progression of exercises all at our own pace and try to finish it in an hour’s time. This progression is what is now known as a FULL MTN which is a MTN and a REV MTN put together. The entire workout only consisted of ten tasks (extremely repetitive by today’s standards) and held 100 tasks in total. We attempted to finish to no avail. We died and we loved it.

From that point on we refined the workout week-to-week with new progressions and far-out ideas for exercises. Since we had never seen anyone else do these exercises, specifically unique crawls or ones utilizing the plate, we had to name them to keep them all straight. This is why many of the early tasks are named after what the movement looks like; think Bulldog, Gremlin and Gimpy Dog.

The name Syphus was also born out of the workout itself. One day Bart, who is to this day infamous for his verbal contributions to a workout, said, “this mountain feels like it’s lasting forever.” Immediately I thought of Sisyphus from Greek mythology. And, since I also didn’t have a name to describe exactly what it was we were doing, I fashioned the name Syphus Training. As much as folks tried to talk me out of that name for various reasons, I felt compelled to stay true to the Sisyphus theme and it ultimately became an idea to build the brand around.

But the “flash” of inspiration alluded to earlier was the scoring system. I was consumed with the idea that Syphus could be used as a non-biased assessment of one’s fitness level. After all, we have IQs to determine intelligence. We have credit scores to determine financial track records. Why didn’t we have this for our physical capabilities? Sure, we have the ability to monitor heart rates, calculate calories burned, find V-O2 and one rep maxes, but there was nothing, not even a stress test, that could assign a number to give a complete picture of one’s fitness level.

This was the objective of the scoring system. This is when it all clicked.

To me, when we were able to start having a real conversation using the metaphor of numbers to describe one’s fitness level – we had arrived. To say that John Doe is a 952 conveyed a tangible picture of his physical capabilities. It was these conversations that elated and excited me. Initally it was almost hard to believe: A single number could explain and bundle together strength, endurance, power, cardio, flexibility, coordination and recovery time.

How the scoring system was created and refined over time? Another post for another day.

But here we are now, in 2017, with a massive database recording fitness levels of thousands of people. What the future holds for all this data, like Syphus, will continue to evolve.

– Hackett



The 5 Best Foods for The Syphus Junkie

Today’s post I am keying in on 5 specific foods that are going to benefit you during Syphus. They all have the potential to unlock energy stores and improve muscular endurance (when you need it the most – in that last 20 min), workout performance (consistent speed without tiring), and recovery (so you can get back to the turf powered up for the next day!)


 Whey protein is the perfect “fitness food” as it contains high quality protein but it also holds extremely high amounts of leucine. Leucine is part of branched-chain amino acid that signals the body to increase protein synthesis which builds and repairs muscle fibers. Consuming whey protein before and after your Syphus workout can help fight muscle fatigue and improve recovery.


I often roll a banana in chia seeds and eat that before a Syphus workout. A few great reasons why other Syphus Junkies should be eating them:

– They are a rich source of ALA (plant-based) and omega-3 fatty acids as well as high in antioxidants.

 – Raw chia=Raw energy. Often referred to as “runner’s food”,  elite athletes have paid particular interest to chia seeds due to their endurance and hydrating qualities.  The seeds can absorb up to ten times their weight in water which physically slows down the process by which our bodies convert carbs into simple sugars.  The dividend: Longer endurance due to long-term energy stores from Chia Seeds. So this will allow you to maintain hydration levels and allow you to tap into these valuable energy stores later in your Syphus Training routine.  

– Chia seeds contain twice the potassium content of bananas. Like bananas, Chia seed are very helpful in preventing muscle cramps.


Coconut oil can give you the extra energy boost you need for the turf. This is a simple, healthy and natural way to power up your workouts!

Eat it straight off the spoon, stir it in your coffee or tea, or dump a tablespoon into your protein shake.  Either way, coconut oil is a HEALTHY FAT, bursting with medium chain fatty acids that generate energy and speeds up your metabolism.

Coconut oil is important for athletes because vigorous exercise (aka Syphus) can promote oxidation which may lead to suppressed immunity over time. To combat this, Coconut oil functions as an immune enhancer plus it’s antimicrobial and antiviral, so it supports your body’s ability to fight off infections.


Try eating 1/2 an avocado before a workout to reap the benefits!

Just one avocado contains around 15 grams of fiber and nearly 20 vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients.  Avocados also contain critical electrolytes like potassium and magnesium which contribute to proper cell and muscle functions – vital for any athlete. Potassium is a mineral that the human body requires to maintain proper muscular function and alleviate muscle cramps.


Forget the peanuts and instead grab some brazil nuts!

Brazil nuts are an unusually powerful superfood due to the high levels of selenium they contain. Selenium has numerous benefits especailly for athletes. One benefit is that selenium can increase muscle strength.  It also helps maintain a properly functioning thyroid and since your thyroid controls your body’s metabolism, inadequate levels of selenium may be a factor in sudden weight gain or weight loss. Therefore, selenium keeps your metabolism in good working order. Just 1-2 brazil nuts a day is all you need to promote your natural recovery processes as well as to help you build strong bones and muscles.

Don’t forget, with all of the above, consuming lots of clean, pure water before and after your workout will guide you to optimal recovery.

That’s all for now Junkies!

Susie R

Susie R.

The Objective Vs. Subjective Workout

In light of last week’s False Positive theme, there were a few things that you may or may not have recognized. Namely, the workouts in which people generally scored higher were entirely Subjective workouts and conversely the workouts where people scored lower, these workouts were Objective.

What’s the difference?

Subjective workouts in Syphus Training (and only in Syphus I presume) are workouts that consist of primarily, if not entirely, of tasks that can be performed in a variety of ways based on the individual performing the exercise. This means that interpretation of form can be varied easily from person to person. Range of motion can be limited. Reps can be skipped. Plates can be tilted. All of these will pile up to a higher score if you’re one to cut corners even small ones.

Objective workouts are the opposite. They host tasks that cannot be “cheated”. Think of a plate push or a Big Buck, there’s hardly any way to cut a corner. You HAVE to to get the plate to the end zone and the only way to do so is by performing the task as it was designed.

It is important for you, the avid Syphus Junkie, to know that most of our workouts are a very calculated blend of BOTH subjective and objective tasks. This is the reason why we keep averages (Boulders) and monitor the difficulty (Slope) of a workout. To make workouts completely lopsided with either subjective or objective workouts just skews scores one way or the other based on your ability and (more likely) form.

And here is the take home message: The better you perform Subjective tasks, the slower you will go. The better you perform Objective tasks the faster you should go. That is, if you’re one to short change your range of motion on Rampant or Squat Thrust (subjective tasks), your Revival (objective task) will be greatly hindered because you will have performed the subjective tasks poorly.

To reiterate; if your form is impeccable on subjective tasks, it is going to slow you down considerably and decrease your score, but this should be a desired trade-off for what it DOES do is allow you to then perform the objective tasks more effectively, and with power.

Truth is, the objective workout helps to sift through the masses to find those who subscribe to the motto Form First. More importantly, objectively based workouts are the ones we rely on heavily for our competition workouts like March Mayhem, Survivor and Turf Wars.

So, while you may be able to inflate your individual score during subjective tasks, remember that it could come back to haunt you during crunch time.

Remember the Sypher: Don’t Cheat Yourself.

– Hackett


The Gift of Humility

Certainly I’ve had humbling moments in the past, but it wasn’t until recently where the feeling of true vulnerability had been completely exposed. But with humility and vulnerability comes a great gift; the opportunity for growth.

So too with Syphus.

On the turf, I’ve often said: If you have a weakness, Syphus will find it.

Now don’t let that scare you, let it motivate you. After all, the reason why you started Syphus was to improve something. If you simply wanted to continue the status quo, maintaining the same standard, you wouldn’t have stepped on our turf.

By now, you – the regular Syphuser – fully knows which tasks expose your weaknesses, but don’t run from them, or worse yet skip a workout because the posted Task list doesn’t host your favorites. No, in fact these are the days you should make it a priority to get to the turf and willingly take the tasks that bring you to your knees (except on Inch Worm!) head on.

A goal for all of us should be to actively seek what we need to work on most whether it’s strength, cardio, flexibility or coordination and dwell in the “misery” of the tasks that hit your soft spot. It is only in the struggle through times of tumult can one gain true strength and fortitude.

This is what makes Syphus the complete workout: Everyone will find some sort of challenge in each and every workout. At some point WE WILL feel defeated, wishing the time on the clock to tick away these moments of humility. This is when I urge you to – pause – tap in and recognize that THIS is why you’re here.

Engage in the moment of vulnerability. Put your pride on the shelf and the score you’re chasing out of your mind and instead attack your weakness with Form First. Allow yourself to be humbled and embrace the chance to grow both physically and mentally.

–  Hackett

Your Day 1 Reason

It’s been what seems like eons since I’ve had the chance to put pen to paper with some regularity. Years ago I used to contribute columns to the Grosse Pointe News on health and wellness. And, in our earliest version of our website, I would post weekly motivational nuggets to help the Junkies of Syphus remain diligent in their fitness quest – it is now time to get back to contributing again with some consistency.  I hope you find the content valuable and insightful; for me it’s therapeutic.

One thought that has always helped me mid-Syphus (and often in business) is to recall why I started. Each of us have our own reasons for first stepping foot on the turf. For some, it was to get healthier. Others, it was to improve athletic performance. And many were simply eager to try something new. But at the core of all of these reasons is often something much more personal. What is that core value that you hold onto that keeps you continuing to Syphus? Think about it.

Why do you push yourself to such limits? Why do you get up at 4:45am to make it to your workout before a day’s worth of work? Your answer should be simple and concise. Find a word, a phrase, or a motto that encapsulates why it is you started this endeavor.

And then, once you discover it, recite it to yourself constantly throughout your hour on the turf. Keep that “Day 1 – Initiation” reason close at heart; it will keep you surpassing hurdles you never thought possible. And soon, you will find that this mental fortitude permeates many aspects of your life.

For me, having designed the concept, I never had that traditional “Day 1 – Initiation” experience, instead I’ve had the privilege to witness hundreds, if not thousands, of Initiations to Syphus and each one is uniquely special.

To see the expression on a Newbie’s face when they attempt their first Inch Worm, that, “Wow, this is a completely different ball game” look is EXACTLY why I started this. My Day 1 reason was, and forever will be, to provide an experience – not just a workout.

Concisely: Break the Mold.





1% Improvements

“Focus on a few things, rather than be mediocre at many things.”

1% Improvements
1% Improvements

This is a good quote that can apply to multiple areas of our lives, but now it’s a great time to apply to the Syphus world, as it’s March Mayhem time  of the year!!  Participating in March Mayhem or not, I think it’s safe to say we all want to improve our Syphus “game.”   Whether it’s improving scores, performing better for our partner, having better turf skills, etc.   We all know where we can improve and where our weaknesses lie. Next time you hit the turf try and focus on one thing each time and make that change, and then the next time, and the next time, focus on one different thing.

  • Take one less water break
  • Instead of stopping in your usual “rest” zone, make it at least to the next line before you rest.
  • Try and jog your Tarzans if you tend to walk them.
  • If the next task is an easy task for you, don’t break on the task at hand.
  • If you won’t make a ½ or full task before the clock hits zero, push to the line anyway! Finish your reps! You’ll only benefit from it.

These small changes add up, believe me!  You don’t notice adding a 2.5lb plate to a barbell, but adding 2.5lb plates a few weeks in a row, increases lifts by 5-10 lbs!!  Small 1% improvements add up!!!

If you need suggestions, ask you Pro!

Leah Larson

Syphus Pro – Turf Brownstown

Food as Fuel

“Exercise is your king, and nutrition is your queen. Together they create your fitness kingdom.” –Jack LaLanne

We are all different people with different bodies and different individual nutrient needs. Therefore a one size fits all diet is NOT what we are looking for. We are Syphus athletes and what we need are foods that FUEL us to go the long haul and barrel through our Syphus circuits STRONG and FIERCE.

A common connection amongst us all is that we want that endurance and stamina to last from the time that clock starts to the finish. A mid workout energy crash is the worst and can be avoided easily with the right nutrition!

I will highly emphasize from my experience on the turf that a clean diet full of nutrient dense foods WILL and DOES make a difference in your Syphus game!

Athlete or not you need to fuel your body right for Syphus and eat the right foods for recovery.  Grueling Syphus workouts and training day in and day out can lead to some depleted nutrients in the body and hinder future workouts and performance.  Don’t get caught up in all the protein drinks, bars, and supplements on the market.  As an athlete myself I have found the best things for fuel and recovery are REAL food!  Look at supplements as a kind of support to an already sound diet.They are not required!

Its time to start viewing your pre Syphus meal as fuel! It should be timed right to keep you functioning at optimal level.  Try 30 -60 min pre workout. Your post meal is crucial to start repair and regrowth of muscle.

All to often forgotten is that post workout nutrition is not just what you eat right after your workout.  It’s eating clean throughout the day to set up a powerhouse in your body for the next day’s workout!

Its important to recognize that EXERCISE and DIET go hand in hand. Neglecting your diet and expecting exercise to make up for it is a dangerous cycle that you will never get ahead of.  Weight loss efforts will plateau as will EXERCISE PERFORMANCE. Paying attention to pre and post workout meals as well as cleaning up your entire diet will pay off in the weight loss department, lean muscle definition, and improved endurance/athletic performance!

Look out for my my next post… I am going to focus in on the 5 foods I eat every week specifically for lasting endurance and energy during my Syphus workouts. These foods are key to unlocking energy stores and improving muscle endurance, workout performance and recovery!

Susie R
Susie R

Susie R. is not a doctor or registered dietitian. Any advice provided should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem – nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health.

Meet Susie R. – Syphus Brand Ambassador

We are pleased to announce a new partnership with one of our incredible Syphus Junkie’s, Susie R.! She is our newest brand ambassador and contributor to our blog. Look for holistic health tips, some REAL food wisdom, insight from a Junkie’s perspective, and lots more from this mama of four. Welcome Susie to our brand ambassador team!

Susie R
Susie R

Hey There!

I am Susie R. full time wife and mother of 4, certified Health and Wellness coach, REAL food activist, athlete, and Syphus junkie! Growing up I was a ballet and Jazz dancer with many competitions under my belt! I was always drawn to nutrition as I had to fuel my body properly for auditions and performances. After being accepted into the Dance program at WMU many of my classes focused on holistic health, exercise science, dance and the arts and this only excelled my passion for all things health and fitness!

I began my blogging career 5 years ago through a series of guest blogs I did for Count Me Healthy Jewelry, Get REAL for Kids, and Shefit. After receiving my certification through the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in 2014 I created my own blog at Real Food Real Fitness. It was through my training at the IIN that I studied over 100 dietary theories, practical lifestyle management techniques, and unique coaching methods with some of the world’s leading experts in nutrition and wellness.

It was also around this time that I was also introduced through my running group to Syphus Training. With my competitive nature and perfectionist tendencies I was able in just a few months to work my way to the top of the score board but I didn’t stop there. I visualized, I strategized (nutrition helps), and paid extra attention to detail (FORM FIRST) and that’s how I have been able to consistently score in the 1000 range!

Just like many of you my Syphus career has had its highs and lows (well throw a pregnancy in there) but the last year has been my most solid yet! Through determination and tenacity I have kept climbing never falling too hard or giving up!

I like to go 110% every workout and never accept anything else of myself. Syphus is more for me its truly a LIFESTYLE! These primal functional movements plus REAL nutrient dense primal foods are a POWERHOUSE for your body all around.

I have learned a lot on my Syphus journey and I can’t wait to share with you all my tips and nutrition FACTS (not fads) to fuel your Syphus workout!!

Meet Karleah

Coming at you from Turf Brownstown! Karlene and I wanted to give a little introduction of ourselves as you will be hearing from us often through Syphus blog posts. We have been blessed to be running Turf Brownstown for almost TWO years now! Amazing! Both of us hold a Bachelor’s degree; Karlene in Marketing and myself in Business Administration. Along with that we both are ISSA Certified Personal Trainers. We met during a siximg_2181-week fitness challenge and have been a team duo in our fitness and business careers since then.

Karlene and I first tried Syphus in 2014 at the Mothership in St. Clair Shores. That first workout is where our passion and belief in the sport began and continues to grow even today! To date we firmly believe Syphus is the BEST total Mind/Body workout.

Part of our fitness career has included fitness/bodybuilding competitions which has required us to have strict nutritional intake along with a demanding training regimen. Through this experience we have learned so much about our individual body’s, but also have gained first hand insight on how nutrition, weight training, cardio, proper recovery etc. have affected our Syphus workouts and the data (scores) to go along with it.

You will be hearing from each of us monthly, where we will be sharing this insight along with recipes, tips, and responses to any questions or comments our Syphus Family has. Stay Tuned!

Leah Larson
Chief Learning Officer, Syphus Training Franchises, LLC.
PRO, Turf Brownstown

Disclaimer: Leah Larson and Karlene Malcolm are not a doctor or registered dietitian. Any advice provided should not be taken as medical advice. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem – nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician. Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health.

March Mayhem 2017


¬ A Syphus doubles competition.
¬ 64 duos go head-to-head to become Champions.
¬ March Mayhem is not about who is the best at Syphus, but about finding the best duo that works well together. Everyone has a fair shot, whether you score 500 or 900.

¬ To score better than your average (+/-) and higher than the average (+/-) of the team you’re battling each round. That’s how you advance.

¬ Find someone who you feed off of that energizes you.
¬ You’ll want to select a partner within 50 points or so from your 30-day boulder.
¬ You need to be able to make it to the same class for each required workout. Be sure to talk out scheduling before you commit.

FINALS: MARCH 25 at Turf Harrison

Rules and Details:
¬ Teams are matched up through a handicapped formula.
¬ FORMULA: Teammate 1 30 Day Boulder + Teammate 2 30 Day Boulder + Trials ROQ / 3
¬ Handicapped formula is also used to determine who advances through each round.
¬ Seeding is done through random drawing. Join us for SELECTION SUNDAY on February 12th via Facebook LIVE.
¬ Trials: everyone competes in trials. Try your hardest. Push a little bit harder than usual.
¬ This year, we will be re-averaging scores after each round to make the tournament as fair as possible.
¬ We don’t post the results of the team you’re going against until both teams have gone. You cannot practice the routine. Can’t go twice.


Top 5 Tips and Tricks for Newbies

Everyone likes to have a plan when entering into a situation that’s foreign to them; whether it’s meeting your significant other’s parents for the first time or something a little less intimidating, like starting a new workout. Today I will be presenting you with the best advice I’ve been given or learned myself over my three years at Syphus Training.

Be Prepared
You are reading this, thats a good start. But it is essential to be ready physically and mentally. Syphus isn’t your average workout, so it’s best you would prepare for it a little differently than your normal routine. Make sure you get adequate rest and hydration before your first class. This doesn’t mean slamming a gallon of water during the day of your class. It’s important you hydrate the days prior as well. Also, if you plan on eating beforehand, eat something light and give your body plenty of time to digest. I know it may be Taco Tuesday but it would be best to wait until your workout is finished to indulge in its goodness. Wear strong running shoes and workout gloves if you think the turf will hurt them. Remember, classes run for an hour. Many people underestimate this since it doesn’t seem long compared to a “normal” lifting session. Syphus is a high intensity workout with little to no rest if you are efficient enough.

Be Patient
Patience is a virtue. There are a lot of new techniques and slang you are going to be introduced to very quickly. Don’t be intimidated. Take a deep breath and realize it takes time and patience, like with anything new, to get a hold on things. We have hundreds of exercises and dozens of circuits. You are not alone. We all were newbies once and there is help not far away. This leads me to my next point.

The Pro is Your Friend
As a Syphus Pro we want to help you! We have done Syphus for extended periods of time and know the circuits and tasks very well. Many of us also have extensive backgrounds in training and anatomical knowledge. If you are unsure how to perform something, ask. If something makes you nervous, ask. If you have a pre-existing condition, ASK! We are here to help and to make your Syphus experience pleasurable, safe and as satisfying as possible.

Form over Speed
You are not the weight you use. You are not how many workouts you have completed. You are not your Score. If there is something I would emphasize most it would be this. Your score does NOT determine how hard you worked. It’s supposed to be used as a way to track progress and foster competition; between others and within yourself. Many people lose sight of this and use it as a determinant of their “worth” or how the workout was for that day. The workout is what you make it. You can perform tasks quickly and sloppily and score an 800 or you could take your time and perform tasks correctly and to the best of your ability and score a 600. The latter is always preferred. It allows you to GROW. Doing things with half effort or incorrectly, hinders your development and slows your results and sets you up for injury. Form is always priority number one.

You are gonna be using muscles you didn’t know you had. You will be sore, if not right away, in the days that follow. Embrace it! For many, the days after are a roller coaster of emotions. You hate your trainer for making you do that dreadful inchworm. You curse your friend for making you try out this “crazy” new workout with them. But most of all you’re upset with yourself for thinking you were training to your full potential. Embrace it. Grab it by the horns and take it for everything its worth. Come back and tackle the next workout. Too sore and not ready to come back? Do it anyway. Take a couple days off and get back to the grind. Your body and mind need the challenge. You need to stimulate your senses and push yourself to the next level. Embrace the pain. Embrace the challenge. Embrace the hangover!

Chuck Koch
Manager, Turf Royal Oak
Syphus Training PROimg_4888chuckedit

Turf Shelby Announcement


[Shelby Township, MI] December 9, 2016 –

Syphus Training is pleased to announce our newest independent owners and operators of Syphus Training Turf Shelby, Jen and Jim DeMercurio.

Effective immediately, Syphus Training has entered into an agreement with Jen and Jim and Turf Shelby to operate a satellite Syphus Training facility. They join Tim Kniga of Turf Harrison as our second team of satellite Syphus Training owners.

We are excited to welcome the DeMercurio’s to our growing network of Syphus Training Turf owners. Please help us in congratulating both Jen and Jim in this new endeavor. We are certain that they are going to take Turf Shelby to new heights!

Our Newest Syphus Athlete – Tristan Ferrara

Tristan Ferrara becomes latest athlete sponsored by Syphus Training


[St. Clair Shores, MI] December 6, 2016 –

Syphus Training is pleased to officially welcome Tristan Ferrara to our family of sponsored athletes. Many of you may know 14 year old Tristan from the Mothership, where he began Syphus at the age of 13. He is a stand up paddle board athlete (SUP) who is making waves in the sport at such a young age.

In the SUP off season, he’s on the Turf three days a week working on conditioning. As his father Chris Ferrara said, “from surf to Turf.” Tristan competes in the Midwest SUP Race Series. (races are across Michigan, Illinois and Wisconsin) He placed 1st overall in the men’s 3 mile rec in the 2015 series. He placed 3rd overall in the 6 mile 12.6 elite in the 2016 series. He also went to the PPG (Pacific Paddle board games) in California (the biggest paddleboard race in North America) and placed 3rd overall in his age group!

Tristan has plans for a big race season in 2017 and we are confident that conditioning at Syphus will help give him an extra leg up on his competition. We are incredibly proud of him and hope you will congratulate Tristan when you see him next. You can read more about Tristan in an article that was just published in the Detroit Free Press.

The Syphus Collection – Winter 2016

It might be getting chilly, but we won’t leave you in the cold. Pick up a new Syphus Training hoodie now on sale via MindBody. We’re taking pre-orders until November 28, 2016. Order now to guarantee your size. These will be a very limited run. Get them before they’re gone! Delivery before Christmas!

See your home Turf for more details or drop us a note at info@syphustraining.com

apparel-mockup-111616 screen-shot-2016-11-14-at-6-06-38-pm screen-shot-2016-11-15-at-5-05-46-pm

Schedule today

Susie Rahaim – Syphus Story

I am a holistic health coach, mom of 4, blogger, Syphus junkie,wellness junkie, and REAL food activist. Primal health is my passionand when I started Syphus Training it was the missing piece of the’fitness’ puzzle I had been yearning to give my body and looking for. Through the years lets just say I had been up and down and all arounddifferent gyms and exercise studio’s piecing together week by weekwhat I thought were good workouts. Then I stepped onto the turf andthe rest is history! What I love about Syphus are the REAL organicprimal movements that are natural and just how the body was designedto move. Running, sprinting, skipping, hopping, crawling, bending,lifting, pushing, pulling is what Syphus is all about rolled up intosome amazing FUN crazy challenging tasks and circuits. Anthropologicalevidence has even proven that these efficient movements are healthyand a better way to achieve an athletic physique by tuning in to howour bodies evolved! Yes!

Syphus brings a unique element of HIIT (high-intensity intervaltraining), friendly competition and a workout scoring system that youcan’t get anywhere else. Honestly there is so much more than a workouthere its hard to describe in words. Its when I am on the brink ofexhaustion at the end of a workout its there I find my Zen. There issomething deep, powerful and truly unique about Syphus that keeps mecoming back week after week. My body and mind LOVE and THRIVE on thecompetition and each new challenging task and circuit. Syphus isseriously a powerhouse for the body and a challenge for the mind. Syphus has made me the athlete I am today strong, confident, andempowered! I continue to pursue each new circuit and task withcuriosity , determination, perseverance, and gratitude! There isNOTHING like the feeling of adrenaline pumping the second that clockcounts down from ten! Every time I do Syphus I come ALIVE in manyways. I know I have accomplished something GREAT each and everyworkout. I encourage you to let go, tap in, and let Syphus Trainingtransform you!

Visit Susie’s blog here: http://realfoodrealfitness.com

Check out a blog post Susie wrote about Syphus here:


Sarah Cost-Cox’s – Syphus Story

If you told me a few months ago I would be on the Turf 3-4 days a week, I would have kindly asked if you lost your mind. But the truth is…the Turf is where I learned how to push my body in ways I haven’t done in years. As a full-time school counselor and mother of a 4 year old, my time is precious, and giving myself sixty minutes a few days a week has been a great transformation for my body and my mind. My story starts with one of my closest friends, Katrina, as many of the best stories in life do. Watching the positive results Katrina achieved Syphus Training before, during, and after pregnancy has been amazing. Finally, two years after she began I decided to take the chance and go to my first session. I remember watching the session before and already telling myself I couldn’t do it, but the wonderful and encouraging message I received from Katie helped calm my nerves. After the first session I was sure I needed to try it again, so two days later I was back on the Turf. I have gained confidence that was once lost and love telling my son I’m leaving “to get strong.” I have joined gyms in the past only to take classes, walk on a treadmill, and not be known by name. At Syphus, I am known by name and receive encouragement from the trainers (thank you Suzanne and Terri!!) and the other members.

I am still new to the Turf and look forward to what the next few months will bring.

Jen Mast’s – Syphus Story

When asked to tell how Syphus has changed my life, the first thingthat popped into my head was a conversation about two years ago with afriend. We were talking about wanting to lose weight. She asked me ifI was interested in working out. I laughed and said, “come on…Idon’t workout!” Not long after that I convinced myself to get a gymmembership. I started going to the gym about 3-4 times per week. Atthe time, I felt good because I was going. As time passed, I wasn’treally noticing any real change in my body. I’d lost some weight, butI didn’t feel stronger by any means. I started to realize that my timeat the gym was similar to eating at a buffet. You walk around lookingat everything, weighing the options and eventually taking a smallportion of the items that are most appetizing. That was me at the gym.Walking around looking at the machines, sizing them up and eventuallydoing a small amount of work on the ones that appeared easy to use.Clearly, my approach was not working.

When a good friend invited me to try Syphus I was apprehensive, but Idecided that I could at least go once for free. At that first class, Iremember thinking there was no way I could continue a workout likethat on a regular basis. I felt so out of shape and embarrassed.Surprisingly, when I woke up the next morning (after crawling out ofbed…literally) I decided I wanted to go again. Well, fast forward totoday…what a change. I am addicted to these workouts. I havecompleted nearly 200 workouts in a little over a year (don’t forget 40in a row!!) I love the days that I score well, and believe it or not,I love the low score days even more. I like to be funny on Facebookand give Mike Hackett a hard time on those days, but the hard days arethe ones that make me keep going. It’s not likely that I’ll everfinish a board or even finish in the top 10, and that’s ok. I’mperfectly content in the middle of the pack cheering on the ones aheadof me, and encouraging the ones behind me. I’m stronger than I’ve everbeen and I’m finally a person who cares about being fit. I’ll be atSyphus as long as my body will let me.

Kelli Macleod’s – Syphus Story

I walked into Syphus after work almost a year ago and had no idea I would still be here today. I didn’t know what to expect, I asked questions, got the necessary information and signed up for my free class the next day.

I have always felt lost at the gym, not having a set plan and never focusing on weight training. I wanted to change; lose weight, tone my arms, core and legs, all while gaining more confidence in myself. I didn’t have a main goal of weight loss, my goal was to fit into my prom dress I wore 6 years ago.

I was intimidated as I walked into my first class, not knowing how challenging it would be. I got my butt kicked, to say the least, It really was the hardest workout. The reason I stuck with it was the challenge I face every class in my full hour, the challenge to strengthen and try to beat my previous score every time.

Here I am, a year later with 10 pounds lost (never to be found), more toned than I ever have been and I FIT into my prom dress. My endurance has greatly improved as well as my full body strength. I feel better than ever and have so much more confidence in myself. I have no intentions of leaving Syphus anytime soon. The saying is true, it doesn’t get easier, you get stronger.

Thank you Syphus and to all my trainers!

Roxann Shaw’s – Syphus Story

I have never been an athletic person and didn’t really struggle with weight issues until pregnancy and post pregnancy. I also suffered from
postpartum depression that continued on for years. I read that exercising helps with depression, so two years after my son was born, I decided to
give working out a try to lose the pregnancy weight and thought, “what did I have to lose,” trying exercise for depression.

When I began my journey of working out, 20 years ago, I worked out at home doing DVD workouts and some light weight lifting because I could not
financially afford a gym membership nor did I have the self-esteem to work out in a gym. I did this for many years. I gradually gained enough
confidence to work out in a group setting with friends, but still not confident enough to join a gym. That all changed in 2012 when a CrossFit gym
opened one mile from my home. I decided to give this a try because I was having trouble motivating myself to work out alone and had hit a plateau. As
much as this was a big step out of my comfort zone, I had success in busting past the plateau and I gained confidence. I continued to work out at this
gym for 3 years, but the last year the atmosphere and programming really changed with a focus on heavy lifting that I had to talk myself into showing
up for any class at any time. Also, during this time, my dad was diagnosed with cancer and I became his oncology advocate. I was so consumed and
stressed with being his advocate, that when I did show up to work out, I hated every minute being there, but because I was involved in his care, I
didn’t really have the time to research and find a new gym to work out at. It was during the last weeks of my dad’s life; I ate on the run just to
spend time with him and had no desire to work out at the gym I was a paying member. I also began a battle with depression again during all this and
decided to just take a break from that CrossFit gym. After my dad’s death, I decided that gym was not where I needed to be.

My friend Jen Mast posted frequently about her Syphus Training workouts on Facebook, that one day I inquired about it. She told me how much she loved
it; how it was the best and hardest workout she had ever done; and in the few months she had been doing Syphus Training she felt so much better. She
talked it up so well that I signed up for my free class immediately upon hanging up with her. When I did the first workout, I knew I would love Syphus
Training, but I what I truly enjoyed was the challenge and unique mix of movements/circuits and no heavy lifting. Sadly, I had to wait six months
after doing initiation to continue Syphus Training due to my dad’s illness. In January 2016 I began my Syphus Training journey, nearly 30 pounds
gained from eating on the run, no desire to work out and fighting depression. In my short nine month Syphus Training journey, I have lost over 20
pounds love the workouts, the challenges that come with conquering the tasks and the healthy competition and comrade on the turf. The trainers have
been so helpful and really supportive. Most importantly Syphus Training has really been instrumental in helping with depression and grieving.

When I finish that sixty-minute workout, I feel empowered, confident, and stronger both physically and mentally. I am often sore and tired, sweaty and
stinky, some days my score is amazing, other days, not so much, but I know after finishing those sixty minutes I have successfully done what I set out
to accomplish, giving the best of me to have the best of health.

Nicole Gartside’s – Syphus Story

I’m flattered that you reached out to me to hear about my success with Syphus. However, I’m not quite sure I have the “story” that you’re seeking. Don’t get me wrong, Syphus has changed my life. I’m a 36-year-old high school special education teacher and mother of two. I’ve done my fair share of workout programs, 5ks, a couple indoor triathlons, and have had multiple gym memberships. They’ve all had the same result…nothing. I despise running, I burn out at the gym and often don’t know what to do while I’m there anyway, and I come up with every excuse possible not to exercise. After seeing my sister-in-law, Sara, who had been doing Syphus for a few months make a dramatic change in her weight, I was inspired by her to give it a try. I was apprehensive because of both the drive and the cost, but I managed to make it work. Physically, it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I quickly realized that Syphus works!!! I didn’t have much weight to lose, but I wasn’t happy with how I looked or how my clothes fit. I did my first class on May 14th of this year and I’ve now completed 54 classes! The expensive cost and 25-mile round trip is worth it for the results. I’ve lost 8 pounds, dropped a clothing size, and feel like I’m in the best shape of my life. The confidence that I have in myself is the best feeling, however. I often bring my kids and they sit on the sideline cheering me on. It’s important to me that Ken and I set a good example for them and hopefully pass on a more healthy lifestyle. So while I haven’t had the dramatic results that you’re probably looking for in terms of marketing, I am very proud of myself and Ken for committing to this program and giving it our all. I am very grateful to Mike and all of the Syphus trainers for welcoming us and giving us this opportunity!

Jennifer Stewart’s – Syphus Story

I have to share my love for Syphus training. I started Syphus training just 5 months ago and started seeing changes/results immediately. It’s a really intense workout using only your body weight along with a 25lb plate. Last month, I competed in and won my first ever competition. It wasn’t about winning, it was about how far I’ve come along in the past few months with my endurance level. A true transformation of my body and my mind. I have been passionate about fitness for the past couple years, and can honestly say Syphus is by far the best, most challenging workout you will ever encounter. People of all types, shapes, sizes, and fitness levels work together; supporting each other and competing only to push each other to improve. The trainers are all about investing in YOU. The members, who I call my “Syphus Family”, are an absolute gift to my fitness journey. I thank you Syphus! I encourage anyone looking for a new fitness outlet to come try it, you will be NOT be disappointed.

An important message from Syphus CEO Mike Hackett


The Syphus Survivor finals are a few short days away It has been inspiring to watch you
push yourselves past your comfort zones in the name of competition, but it is also
important to keep in mind that competition should be a tool for motivation – not your
primary focus!

Six years ago, I set out to create a workout that would provide individuals feedback on
their own person fitness levels and to do so in a way that was done in a fun, team-like
atmosphere. It has been brought to my attention that recently we had a confrontation
where members were calling each other out for poor form and rep-skipping. Please
understand that Syphus Training strives for sportsmanship, not division.

When hitting the turf, please leave any and all exercise critiquing to your Turf Pro
(instructor). Our staff has a plethora of things to accomplish mid-workout from assisting
with forms, helping members navigate the patterns and above all creating a safe
environment in which to work out. It is a very delicate balance for the staff to allow room
for competition while also trying to streamline the “rules” of the game. While we know
that the very nature of Syphus is predicated on elements of competition and scoring the
main idea is that you are competing with yourself – not one another…no matter what
competition we may be hosting.

Your scores are greatly subjective no matter how objective we have tried to make them.
Indeed, your 800 level may be different than someone else’s 800. Not everyone has the
physical ability to perform the tasks EXACTLY as they were designed. All we ask is for
100% effort and integrity in their execution. To that, if someone is “shaving” repetitions
intentionally for the sake of scoring higher, so be it. As frustrating and disruptive to the
collective that this may be, we must remember that it is THEIR workout, too. If you
witness “score-seeking” my suggestion is to keep your blinders on and focus on your
personal task at hand. Leave it for your pro to try to make any adjustments – chances
are your Pro has already detected errors in form and is taking measures to address
them the wait they were trained to do so.

My best bet is that everyone who came to Syphus Training did so initially to better
themselves both physically and mentally and NOT to score higher than everyone. Our
goal should be to build each other up not to call each other out. If this is not in your
nature – that’s fine, you do not need to be a cheerleader – instead, try refocusing on
getting the best workout that you can for that hour. My philosophy is that if you cannot
compliment someone on their form and effort then simply remain silent and harness that
extra energy into your workout.

Above all remember that we are all cut from the same cloth. We are all Syphus Trainers
participating in a truly unique genre of exercise. I implore you to pivot your perception of
competition; we are competing together as a community rather than individuals. As you
will soon discover through Turf Wars and some new website updates on the horizon,
the idea is to better your abilities for the betterment of your Turf. Just as in any team
sport; you need to improve the aspects of your individual game to uplift your team to its
highest potential. While there are certainly all-stars on every team; individuality will only
get you so far.

Learning to perfect the smallest tasks is the first and most crucial step as it will lead you
to perfecting the hardest tasks later. Take pride in doing the small things right. In
Syphus-speak: You will not be able to do a Hack-It until you first learn how to perfect a
Peg Leg, Rev Bovine or a Diablo.

I assure you that if you turn your energy into becoming a catalyst for the group that it will
come full circle in fueling your individual workout. I have been a part of some of the
most amazing workout experiences on the Turf and they were all driven by the vibe of
the group pushing together as one. Take the opportunity to feed off individuals doing the
best that they can do, supporting of one another; becoming cogs in a machine that is
churning out amazing athletes.

Congratulations to the members moving on to round two of Survivor. I’ve seen the
names of who’ve made it past the first round and it will surely make for an exciting
finish. Best of luck to those finalists – if you get the chance to watch one of your turf mates
going this week, be sure to cheer them on.

Form First,

Mike Hackett

Creator and CEO of Syphus Training

Jim DeMercurio’s – Syphus Story

Over the past 15 years I have struggled on and off with sticking to a workout program. In my early 20s I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and high cholesterol, and was put on medication to control it. I knew exercise was an important part of me being able to keep these health issues in check so I started to run regularly, and signed up for many races, including 5ks,10ks, and half marathons. I didn’t run because I liked it; I actually hated most of the time I ran. I did it because I thought it was the best way to help regulate my blood pressure and to keep in shape. I also liked the competitive aspect of running and the fact I could track my progress race to race.

After years of this, I tried other programs as well, ones that were not just steady state activity, but were more about muscle endurance and high intensity training. I started to see a major changes in my body, but these programs lacked the competition I enjoyed from running. In early October of 2014, my wife heard about Syphus Training from a friend, and did her first workout. She called me on her ride home from the class, and told me that I had to try it. I did Initiation a few days later and was immediately hooked. The combination of muscle toning exercises along with heavy cardio, plyometrics, and flexibility, all within a competitive structure was exactly what I had been looking for all along. From the first day I did Syphus I tracked my scores and monitored my progress week to week. Even more importantly, my wife and I were hooked on Syphus together. For the first time in many years we worked out together. We plan and strategize our workouts together and have grown in Syphus as a team. Since doing Syphus, I have run the fastest 5k and 10k runs, cutting out minutes off of my times. In September I ran my first sub-21:00 min 5k at the age of 43. After one year, I was able to maintain my blood pressure and cholesterol without the need for medication, the first time in 20 years! I am in the best shape of my life in my 40s and owe this all to Syphus.

Darlene Vachon’s – Syphus Story

I had a childhood dream of playing ice hockey, in my late 30s I decided to buy a pair of hockey skates. Thus began my motivated journey to learn the sport I had always loved watching and dreamed of playing. I quickly learned that I needed to supplement my on ice training with something off ice. A friend who I met through hockey told me about Syphus Training during a camp, a newly discovered workout that she had started doing. I was very interested in trying it out and she agreed to come with me for my first workout.

My initiation workout was 4 months post delivery of my youngest child and the workout was truly the hardest thing I had ever done (keep in mind I had just had my third child ☺). I was completely out of shape and struggled to do basic tasks that seemed simple for everyone around me. Despite all that I was completely intrigued and had no doubts that Syphus Training would be great for me. I absolutely loved the variety of exercises, the trainers were always extremely kind, supportive, and helpful.

In the beginning I would come to the turf once a week wondering how anyone could come more often. I would be so sore. Though with all the soreness I immediately started noticing improvements on the ice. I felt stronger and more balanced. Before long I added another day on the turf and found that the soreness wasn’t so bad. After my first season of hockey my women’s team was moved up a division, which meant stronger skilled opponents next season. I knew it would be challenging but I knew with Syphus Training that I could be competitive and help my team in my sophomore season. I wanted to be ready so I recruited a fellow teammate who was interested and we started coming 3 or 4 days a week often bringing other teammates with us. After only one month on my new schedule I shed some weight and gained a lot of strength, which was instantly noticeable on the ice. When practices began in the fall for the new hockey season I was READY. I was rarely out of breath on drills that before left me gasping. My skating was substantially quicker because my legs were so much stronger.

There are so many ways that Syphus Training has changed my life. I am living an active life being an example to my children. Syphus has made me mentally tougher, more resilient, and empowered. I am a lot more confident on the turf than I was a year ago. I keep a positive attitude about my gains on the turf knowing that I am the one who has put in the hard work and I’ve been worth it. When I am sore from a workout I know that my muscles are gaining strength. Syphus Training has become synonymous with strength.

Keith Millard’s – Syphus Story

Surfer dude: It will “transform your body,” he said.. “anyone can do it,” he said..” it’s hard for sure but you’ll be in the best shape of your life” he said…

Trainer Lady: If you stick with it, you’ll never get this tired again…and by the way, tuck your shirt in…just telling you ahead of time…

Guy working out next to me was looking at me with a fear or sadness…maybe wonderment? I don’t know…maybe he was thinking 911 should be on the ready? Who knows…

That’s pretty much how my Syphus story starts…a little fear, a lot of embarrassment because of the shape I let myself get into, and a lot of hangovers. Most have a hangover for a day or 2, mine lasted about 4 months.

In March of 2014 I was just about 310 pounds, I was going to the gym once in a while, really having no idea what a workout meant, or if I was doing anything positive for my health. Treadmill for a bit, elliptical for a bit, some circuit weights and on with my day. I would spend 30-40 minutes there, do a little bike riding, not much, and that was it.

Syphus Training changed everything, for that 1 hour a day I convinced my mind that kicking the hell out of myself was a good thing. I could do it…I could compete again, not with others really, but that 310-pound mindset that rears its ugly head every so often and puts up a great fight. It was a stress relief, a phenomenal feeling when that clock hits 0:00, and a great community of people that are encouraging and a lot of fun to be around.

In October of 2015 I was down to 252 that was the lowest I hit, and the discipline and lack of discipline are my biggest foes now…sure after 20 years of weight gain/loss/gain/loss/gain…and more gain things hurt, joints get sore, but it’s all part of the challenge, you can put weight on in 2-3 days, but it takes 2-3 times longer than that to take it off. I may not take a score every time in, I may not finish the hour all the time, but I’m close to that 30/30 that’s my main Syphus goal…30/30 on the form, maintain that and everything else will get faster.

Overall Brian, it has changed my life, I’ve never been stronger, and Suzanne, I’ve never been that beat up again, and I still wear long shirts, and Hackett so far no 911 was needed, and I’m glad I came back.

It never gets easier; you just get better at it.

Jen Neumann’s – Syphus Story

About four years ago, I was looking for something new. My work out
routine consisted of running and occasionally lifting weights. I had
plateaued and was, frankly, bored with it all. I wanted to find
something that would allow me to move in more ways than a straight line,
make me stronger & faster, change my physique a bit, and be fun. I came
across Syphus and gave it a try. It’s been all I wanted and more.

What has surprised me the most is how Syphus has had a positive impact
outside of the gym. In just 9 months, I dropped 17 minutes off my
half-marathon time. I can take the numerous flights of stairs to my
office without breaking a sweat or being out of breath. I can join
friends for a 10 mile run after not running for months. I can SCUBA
dive in rough waters like it’s a walk in the park.

I may not get the highest scores in Syphus, but it certainly prepares me
for all the fun adventures life can bring!



Syphus Training is proud to announce its first independent owner and operator Tim Kniga who will be taking over Turf – Harrison Township! Effective immediately Syphus Training has entered into a licensing agreement with Tim Kniga and Turf – Harrison to operate a satellite Syphus Training facility.

Tim Kniga first started as a member of Syphus Training January of 2014 and became a Syphus Training Pro in July of 2015.

With this new venture Turf Harrison will expect to see many exciting updates like the addition of new bleachers, wall decals, boosted memberships for added competition as well as upcoming promotions and membership events.

We are thrilled to have Mr. Kniga help grow the Syphus Training name as we keep climbing.

Ally Turner’s – Syphus Story

Syphus helped me achieve a dream!! I love to run! I have a great
running community! When I’m not chasing after my four kids, I’m
running. After completing more than a few marathons, a friend
encouraged me to try and qualify for the Boston Marathon. I laughed. I
thought that pinnacle race was for elite athletes only. But the dream
became a deep desire so I accepted her challenge. My training plan
started to include speed work, tempo runs and hill drills. I got
faster, but after 2 more marathon attempts (3:48:47 and 3:48:22), I
finished short of my qualifying time (3:45:00) to run Boston. I read
that strength and circuit training were important for long distance
runners, and at the same time I had a friend telling me about this great
work-out called Syphus. Well after a few visits, I was hooked. The
creative combining of squats, plyometrics, lunges and other strength
exercises at Syphus Training were exactly what my plan needed. After 6
months of incorporating Syphus into my training, my dream became a
reality when I shaved 5 minutes off my previous race and ran a
qualifying time of 3:43:21 at my next marathon! Syphus Training
helped me run strong at the Boston Marathon, and now it’s helping me
train for my first ultra marathon… thank you Syphus Training!!

Bill Simonson’s – Syphus Story

I started my Syphus Career in November of 2012. My wife and I met a Syphus trainer at a 5k and my wife decided to go. After her class she called me and told me that she thought I would really like the workout. I went that afternoon and Mike was teaching the class. I talked to Mike and told him that I wanted to get in shape and my current training for triathlons was not helping me keep weight off or cut inches from my waist. Mike said that he thought if I came 4 times per week I would be able to accomplish my goals. I took Mike’s advice, signed up for a yearly membership that day and to date I have done over 780 Syphus classes. I started at the bottom and worked my way up. The results from Syphus have been great for my health and attitude towards working out. I can’t even look at a treadmill anymore.

Syphus has become my sport. Although Syphus has helped my conditioning for soccer and skiing I consider myself a Syphus-er. The 6 hours per week I spend on the turf are my time to compete. Mike has created a sport and I am thankful that my wife told me to try 3 ½ years ago.